Wednesday, July 19, 2006


I don’t think that marriage is the responsibility only one should carry. I think clashes start when ego intrudes in the conjugal bliss. Before marriage the world is pinkish. We dream about the life- partner and we enjoy the life according to our way. There is not much control on our activities (of course- parents and value system is always there to guide), but they are adjustable. When marriage is fixed no matter if it is arranged or love- marriage, every one decides to live ideally. Normal couple decides to love and care and cherish each other. To give each other whatever they can. To avoid fights and blah blah blah-----.

This ideality ends after the novelty of marriage feds away. Adjustment becomes the most popular word in the couple’s dictionary and ego second most. Real thing is there is no limit to adjustment and no couple are blessed with the extra- ordinary compatibility. Marriages might be decided in heaven but we are those who decide its fate. Before marriage I always wondered about the quarrels between couples around me. I always thought that those reasons were so trifle to fight over and why these people are making such big issue of it. Now as a married person I can tell that why those trifle issues were triggering factors to cause skirmishes. According to my theory, every time you adjust with the things which you hated most , some part of your soul cries for help, it gets hurt badly and these constant adjustments by only one partner makes him or her unhappy and irritated. Obviously it affects other’s lives as well. If one is dependent on other (wife is housewife) then it becomes worse. In this case decision maker is always the husband and wife is not even respected because she does not earn. Though she manages all expenses tactfully and saves money, she is always considered minor in family hierarchy. Lack of respect leads to lack of satisfaction and again gives feed-back for more depression and fights.

People use cliché that you can not clap with one hand (means no fight takes place only because of one’s fault.). I think no marriage is an ideal marriage. Every-one has to work it out. It takes efforts and patience. Sometimes it is bearable sometimes not and when it crosses the limit of patience of either partner’s patience, it breaks. I can imagine how painful it would be but it is always good to endure all the pain once and get on with life than cry and suffer every moment.

Sunday, July 09, 2006


What is the importance of movies in our life? Why we like to watch the movies? I think they provide some moments of respite in our banal life. They show dreams and struggle to achieve them. We enjoy them voraciously. Unless who fights with herd of impugns and wins it easily? Who travels abroad without earning a penny and who transcends all human limits?

All protagonists in our movies are blessed with supernatural powers. All events happen accordingly to them. Even Gods too biased on their sides. They won’t die even if they get shop by many bullets till they ask their family members to take care of themselves and talk for ten fifteen minutes consciously. However how ridiculous it seems we still watch them because no other medium of entertainment is as effective as it is. It makes us to forget all our worries and boredom.

It is very unusual for Hindi movies to handle subjects other than love and marriage issues. On the other hand, in other languages there is astonishing variety of themes. Just for example, Forrest Gump of Tom Hanks, it shows entire lifetime of one generation in USA. October Sky is the inspiring story of one boy motivated to make projectiles and his struggle to study the subject he and his friends interested in. Sheepshank Redemption is the story of one inmate whose genuine efforts and intelligence shows him the light of freedom. All these movies give only one message hope never dies.

Some critics may argue about the role of movies in education and entertainment as well. It is true that violence and vulgarity in movies in increased exponentially and teenagers are emulating the actions in the movies to experience the thrill. On other side movie-makers claim that they picturise the current situation in the society. It is like the question who is the first – egg or hen? It is an inscrutable dilemma. Current news that some children got injured when they were trying the stunts performed by Hritik Roshan in Krish is disturbing. It revived the memories when many couples ended their lives to secure their love from society after watching “Ek Duje Ke Liye”.

I hope our future generations will differentiate between the dreams and reality. They will learn some things from foreign movies and cherish the invaluable life they deserve.

Thursday, July 06, 2006


i have been through other's blogs almost regularly. As compared to other's i think my writing is somewhat insipid. I wrote only two little posts not because i did not have time but my enthusiasm decreases when i read other's posts. They are really very terse and cogent. While reading i feel that i am in their shoes. I enjoy many things voraciously through their eyes. I never talked with them personally and i do not even know much about them still i think they are my good friends. i know how they live how they think and feel about the same surrounding in which i grew. I sometimes turn green on their enjoyment and success. But from within my heart i care for them and thank them for being such nice friends.